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Hair Transplant

Hair loss is one of the most frequent aesthetic issues of our time, affecting predominantly males but also ladies on occasion. Experts say that we lose between 50 and 100 hairs per day. Hair loss becomes a concern when we exceed that average, prompting a visit to a doctor. In truth, daily hair loss is not visible and has no effect on the total mass of our hair because each individual hair is born, grows, and dies independently of other hairs. The hair life cycle is separated into three stages: growth, regression, and resting. Each follicle can create 25 to 30 new hairs, with the three processes being repeated cyclically for each new hair. However, we appear to lose more hair at times. Factors such as seasonal changes, times of high stress, hormonal changes (childbirth, menopause, etc.), or an imbalanced diet can all prolong the hair resting phase and result in the loss of more than 100 follicles every day on average. First, hair loss for the reasons indicated above must be distinguished from baldness or androgenetic alopecia, a more serious disorder in which hair that comes out does not regrow. Baldness is caused by a combination of factors including hormone levels, heredity, and age.

What should I do about my hair loss?

When one detects thinning hair, he or she should consult a dermatologist, who will look into the causes. Following an investigation, suitable treatment will be recommended. If the cause of the hair loss is hormonal, a pharmacological treatment will be suggested, however if the cause is nutritional, a suitable diet will be prescribed to try to replenish the missing nutrients.

Lotions or shampoos?

Shampoos and lotions are typically used as an addition to the prescribed treatment, particularly in cases of seasonal or stress-related hair loss, unbalanced dietary choices, or postpartum hair loss.

When is hair transplantation required?

There are also treatments that use different Laser hair treatments or PRP (platelet-rich plasma). In situations of androgenetic alopecia, micrografts of healthy follicles, usually obtained from the nape of the neck, where the hair genetics are healthiest and strongest, are reinserted into the areas where balding or thinning hair has occurred, using sophisticated instruments in a completely painless manner. Hair transplantation is a type of microsurgery that is done under local anaesthetic. The results are very natural, and the hair will continue to grow regularly without falling out.



We are constantly researching the newest in hair implants, keeping up with medical breakthroughs, and evolving our medical facilities to adapt to today’s technology in our more than 12 years of expertise as a medical organization. We mostly use FUE techniques, which are popular since they are less invasive, outpatient operations with excellent results and little postoperative scarring, as opposed to FUT treatments.


FUE technology (follicular unit extraction).

FUE hair transplantation begins with blood testing and an assessment by a specialist; treatment commences after the tests yield positive findings. The specialist marks the spot to be transplanted with hair. The number of grafts to be transplanted is calculated based on these areas.

Follicles are collected one by one from the donor area known as the horseshoe (nape of the neck and sides of the head) using a micromotor after local anesthetic. Harvesting is done with sharp points no more than 1 mm in diameter. The size of the tip has a significant impact on healing time. The follicles are immersed in and preserved in hyposol, also known as cold isotonic fluids. The harvested grafts may have 2-3 hairs. It is critical that the bulbs are not destroyed and are separated with care and attention at this point. When the harvesting stage is finished, the specialist immediately starts opening the microchannels for transplantation. This technique, like harvesting, should be done extremely carefully and softly, and requires at least as much skill. The channels must be the proper size and depth, and the angle of the channels is also critical for the success of the final product, in order to give the hair a natural appearance. The grafts are inserted one by one; the number of grafts determines the number of sessions required; typically, up to 4000/6500 follicles are transplanted in a single session, and the therapy lasts 7 to 10 hours.

Ultimate FUE (Sapphire).

A steel-tipped scalpel is not utilized in the Sapphire FUE technique; instead, the tip is constructed of fine blue Sapphire to open the tiny channels into which the follicles will be implanted. Because the sapphire tip allows for smaller micro channel openings than the traditional steel-tipped scalpel, this invention provides for faster healing times and reduces scab development. The following are the benefits of FUE performed with a Sapphire Scalpel: Because of its properties, it decreases vibration, lowering the risk of problems such as trauma and damage to scalp tissue. With smaller and more precise micro holes, higher density can be achieved, allowing transplants to be performed even on persons with advanced baldness. Higher density allows for a more natural appearance.

Direct Hair Implantation (DHI) Technology

DHI hair transplantation is also known as Implanter Pen or CHOI pen. Kyungpook National University in Korea created it. It is one of the most advanced hair transplant procedures available. Follicles extracted from the donor area are implanted into the target areas after manually opening the microchannels in FUE or FUT treatments. Follicle transplantation is done directly without tiny incisions with the Choi Pen therapy; doctors use this pen-shaped equipment to construct channels and transplant follicles at the same time. The main advantage of the DHI technique is that it eliminates the need for two distinct stages, such as creating micro channels in the recipient area and inserting them. The implanter’s pointed tip places the follicles directly into the recipient area. It should be noted that the CHOI pen technique is part of FUE hair transplantation because the extraction procedure is always FUE, but the manner of follicle insertion varies. They can also be mixed during implantation. DHI treatment has less effect on the skin because it is the least invasive procedure. The DHI approach results in less bleeding and a shorter recovery period. The process takes 6 to 8 hours and implants 4000/4500 follicles on average in a single session.

Extreme DHI

The extreme DHI technique follows the same stages as the DHI technique, but it allows the specialist to transplant up to 5000 follicles in a single session in 10 to 12 hours.


Despite increasingly advanced technologies and experienced physicians, hair transplantation remains a significant consideration. Our specialist staff provide the highest level of professionalism to ensure that the transplantation goes as smoothly as possible; however, we have created a list of guidelines to follow before and after the implantation so that you can best prepare yourself. The information we provide does not replace the advice provided by your doctor.

Top tips

Inform them if you have any pharmaceutical allergies. Inform about any abnormalities in the most recent blood testing. Inform if you have a medical condition or take medication on a regular basis. If you are taking medications for a specific illness, such as hypertension, diabetes, or another disease, your doctor should be aware of and approve the hair transplantation procedure. A healthy, well-balanced diet is advised. Our advisors will send you a questionnaire with all of this information on it, as well as blood tests and a visit from a specialist or two specialists if necessary. Our consultations are completely free of charge.

Recommendations on what to avoid

If possible, avoid smoking for at least two weeks before surgery. Why? It slows healing, increases the risk of infection, and interferes with follicle growth. Avoid alcohol for at least three days. Why? Blood diluting increases the danger of bleeding following transplantation. It could result in transplant failure. Avoid coffee and other stimulants for at least four days before transplantation since they impair the anesthesiological procedure. To prevent the risk of increased bleeding, discontinue taking drugs that promote blood thinning, such as aspirin-ibuprofen combos or some vitamins.


For successful hair transplantation below, the post-surgical phase is as delicate as the operation itself; it is a procedure that lasts months (12/15 months), months during which our consultants will always be by your side until the final result. As a result, the outcomes are rarely quick, which sometimes leads to patient perplexity or mistrust. Hair repair and regrowth occurs in stages; grafts begin as little wounds that require attention and special care. Your specialist will explain everything you should and should not do in detail, and if there are any questions or misunderstandings, our specialists will step in and act as a liaison between you and the doctor. It takes about two weeks for the follicles to become firmly formed, so follow the medical directions attentively and avoid hair-damaging behaviors during this time. You may lose hair in the first two months due to shock loss; don’t worry, it will grow back in a few of weeks. Depending on the individual, you will begin to see benefits in the first 3/4 months, with lasting results in 12/15 months.

What should I do?

Continue to follow your doctor’s recommendations for treatments and drugs that promote wound healing and hair follicle growth. If vitamins are prescribed, take them. To avoid swelling in the skull, a bandage is worn for the first 48 hours. To avoid swelling in the forehead and around the eyes, avoid bending the head and keeping a parallel line between the chin and the ground for the first three days. To avoid swelling, sleep in a semi-vertical position for the first five days, resting your head on two pillows. Exercise begins after ten days, and the gym begins after one month. Avoid excessive perspiration. Take care when putting on or taking off clothes to avoid putting pressure directly on the scalp.

What should I stay away from?

In the 72 hours after the transplant, hair washing is avoided. (A wash will be done in the clinic). Use medical shampoo when washing your hair; do not rely on chemical shampoo. Do not drink alcohol for 5 days Avoid swimming in the sea for three months and avoid swimming in the pool for two months. Stay away from sunlight, heat and high humidity for at least one month and you should wear a medical hat when you go out Avoid sauna and steam room for at least one month Avoid standing directly in the rain or dust, so as not to damage the implanted follicles Avoid sexual intercourse for one week. Avoid smoking for as long as possible.


First stage The donor area’s density, the area to be implanted, and the quantity of follicles to be collected are all calculated. The target region has been marked.

Second stage The patient is subjected to the essential examinations and screenings, including blood testing and dermatological tests.

Third stage When using the FUE hair transplantation process, the hair is completely shaved. In the case of the DHI or Robot techniques, only the donor area is shaved to ease the follicle retrieval process. The patient is then sedated with local anaesthetic.  

Fourth Stage The doctor harvests follicles from the donor area using the Micro Motor and places them in a specific liquid called hyposol or cold isotonic fluids to keep the follicles alive for as long as feasible.

Fifth Stage This is the hair transplantation stage. If the (FUE) procedure is utilized, the canals are opened before the harvested follicles are transplanted into them with medical forceps. If the (DHI) procedure is employed, the follicles are placed into the Choi pens, and the channels are opened and the follicles are implanted simultaneously with a click.


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