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Obesity Surgery

Obesity is a disorder characterized by an increase in fatty tissue that reduces life expectancy and lowers quality of life because it is linked to a variety of ailments. When it comes to obese people, bariatric surgery is the mainstay of treatment. Its goal is not just to remove excess fatty tissue, but also to prevent and/or treat the disorders that are connected with this disease.

Obesity-related pathologies:

Type 2 diabetes, high cholesterol and triglycerides are examples of metabolic illnesses. Breast, colorectal, uterine, esophageal, gallbladder, kidney, liver, ovary, pancreatic, stomach, and thyroid cancers are all examples of malignancies. Cardiovascular problems cardiovascular disease, hypertension Respiratory problems Dyspnea (even with light effort), pickwick syndrome (easiness falling asleep during ordinary everyday tasks), and sleep apnea are all symptoms of sleep apnea. Overweight or obesity kills around 2.8 million individuals each year. Various methods are available to deal with an overweight situation (under medical supervision), but when it comes to major obesity, 2nd or 3rd degree, bariatric surgery is the best option.

What is obesity surgery?

People with overweight or obesity problems frequently pursue a variety of tactics, some of which may be harmful to their health. Some turn to severe diets, while others experiment with diet pills, herbal teas, or exercise. Obesity should be treated as a medical problem, and those who are overweight or obese should be monitored by a specialist. After exhausting all other choices, modern medicine offers a variety of very efficient treatments to combat obesity, thereby preventing even the most serious disorders.

The primary idea behind bariatric surgery is to allow the patient to limit the quantity of food that their stomach can retain, and operations vary depending on the patient’s BMI.


We recommend the following bariatric surgeries:

Gastric bypass alters how the stomach and small intestine process food. In the upper section of the stomach, a tiny pouch is formed and connects to the small intestine, bypassing the rest of the stomach. ICM greater than 40 (extreme obesity) or greater than 35 (serious weight-related concerns) (type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure or severe sleep apnea).

Sleeve gastrectomy is an Italian term. Sleeve gastrectomy, which involves removing 75 to 80% of the stomach in order to minimize food consumption. ICM over 40 (extreme obesity), ICM 35 and up with severe weight-related problems (type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, or severe sleep apnea), or in some cases, if your body mass index is 30 to 34 and you have severe weight-related health problems, you may qualify for certain types of weight loss surgery.

Gastric balloon is a spherical medical device that is put into the stomach of a patient. BMI of 27 or higher Each of these operations has benefits and drawbacks. We will go over each of these obesity surgery options with you to help you make the right decision.

1- Gastric Bypass Surgery

Gastric bypass is also known as “Roux-en-Y gastric bypass,” which refers to Roux’s Y-shaped repair. The most common operation in obesity surgery nowadays.

Gastric bypass surgery entails creating a tiny pouch in the top region of the stomach that is isolated from the rest of the organ. This new stomach is linked to the lower half of the small intestine, bypassing the duodenum (initial part of the small intestine), which is ordinarily in charge of absorbing food from the stomach’s output. The body drastically lowers the amount of food that may be ingested by bypassing most of the stomach and a portion of the small intestine.

However, the majority of the stomach (the bottom half) stays connected to the small intestine. As a result, the stomach continues to create stomach acid and digestive enzymes. These enzymes interact with the meal a little later. At the completion of the procedure, you will have a new stomach attached directly to the intestine, as well as most of the bypassed stomach, hence the resemblance to the letter Y.

In addition to a smaller stomach, calories are lowered by avoiding the portion of the duodenum responsible for food absorption, resulting in not only less food swallowed but also less calories absorbed. In 6 months, the patient can drop 30-35% of his or her body weight.

Advantages of Gastric Bypass Patients lose 60% to 80% of their excess weight in the end result. Drastically limits the amount of food patients can eat in a single session. It can indirectly cause the body to spend more energy in general. Makes changes in the gut microbiome and hormones; patients feel less hungry. Reduction in mortality by 29% particularly 90% diabetes and 60% cancer Reduction in blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar

2- Sleeve Gastrectomy

This procedure is also known as laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Doctors remove around 80% of the stomach vertically along the major curvature, leaving 20% in the shape of a banana. It is used on people who are severely overweight or obese. The surgery

There are various components of sleeve gastrectomy that help people lose weight. First, it substantially lowers the volume of the stomach, completely removing the gastric fundus while preserving the integrity of the antro-pyloric region and vagal innervation; as a result, it cannot hold numerous foods at once. In other words, the patient is unable to consume as many calories as before.

However, the effects on the gut biome provide the majority of the assistance. The decrease in stomach volume alters hormones that regulate hunger, fullness, and blood sugar management, providing the patient an early sense of satiety. According to research, sleeve gastrectomy is just as effective as gastric bypass surgery. The slimming process is hastened and nearly as equal as in gastric bypass; in fact, the patient loses an average of 30% of body weight in the first 6 months. Even when it comes to fighting conditions like type 2 diabetes, sleeve gastrectomy and gastric bypass go hand in hand. Other research also implies that weight loss has little effect on type 2 diabetes improvement. In terms of complications after surgery, sleeve gastrectomy is slightly less risky than gastric bypass. Let’s have a look at the benefits and drawbacks of this weight loss procedure.

Benefits – Drastically limits the patient’s food intake – Gives significant results very quickly – Shows a similar graph to gastric bypass surgery in terms of speed of weight loss and maintenance of weight loss – Technically simpler than gastric bypass. – During the operation, the doctor does not have to insert any foreign body inside the patient. No organs are bypassed; nothing is rearranged in the gastrointestinal tract. – The part of the stomach that produces the hormone ghrelin, which stimulates appetite, is removed. – Patients do not have to spend much time in the hospital compared to other types of weight loss operations. Usually, doctors allow patients to leave after two days. – Minimizes risks of gastric ulcers. – beneficial effects on controlling diabetes, hypertension, cholesterol and sleep apnea.

3- Gastric Balloon

The gastric balloon is a noninvasive treatment for obesity and overweight. Mostly advised against being overweight, and actually advised if your BMI is higher than 27. Gastric balloons are silicone air or liquid balloons that are introduced into the stomach during gastroscopy. Because of its size in the stomach, it provides a quick feeling of satiety. A healthy diet and lifestyle are also important factors in the efficacy of the gastric balloon. The stomach balloon is usually removed after 6 months, although in some cases, this time period might be prolonged to 12 months. The principle behind the gastric balloon is simple: because of the space it takes up, the person wearing it consumes less food due to the stretching of the stomach wall; however, it is critical to understand that the gastric balloon is only one component of the treatment; diet and daily habits are equally important. A gastroscopy is also used to remove the balloon. Benefits – Non-surgical treatment – Can also be applied to those who need to lose a few pounds. – Beneficial effects right away – Easy to bear many patients do not even feel its presence – Fewer complications – Procedure that takes a maximum of 30 minutes

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